After a summer out of uni, and consequently out of the studio - we went back into it the other day for our first session with Brian Spranklen.
We only really covered some of the basics, to get back into the swing of things and reiterate what was learnt last year.
In the end, there was only half an hour or so to get some shots in - which was a real challenge!
The first set up I used, was a large soft box in front/just above the subjects head, to achieve the basic lighting image.
Fairly standard, and in my opinion not very exciting.For the second set, I used a honeycomb directed onto the subjects face, straight onto the tip of the nose to produce what's called 'Beauty Lighting'.
I'm much happier with the second, and with more practice in the studio this year I'm really excited to see what I can produce!
Very subtle difference but the second,softer shot is much nicer.